Thursday, May 5, 2011

You clearly have no idea what I go through... how much I'm really in this alone. Not only do I never have enough time, but I really get left out and forgotten. You'd think being in this area there are always people around to talk to, but for me... I think they just forget.
I haven't actually eaten a decent meal and they ask why? Obviously, I don't have time. I need to get rest in order to not mistakes at work because in the end - it could be deadly. Handing the wrong medicine to a patient? Yeah... need I say more?
I'm just ranting a little bit, but you don't realize how much I go through.. and to be honest, I don't think you even care.


Justin said...

I care!

Mel said...

Lol, that's nice of you.. Justin...? Haha I know too many Justins.