Monday, September 15, 2008

Ms. Dolittle

The other day, I was outside on my steps taking in every moment of the sun before summer ends.. and then I see this cat in the bushes. I notice that it's the same cat that I fed my taro bubble tea. So I just follow it around the yard.. and then I hear a meow coming from the bushes.. and it's another cat that is the same color, but much skinnier. So I go back to sitting on my steps because when I meowed at the skinny cat, it meowed back.. which was much more entertaining than the fat cat. So a minute later, a husky runs up to me! Sniffs around and also at my lady statue in front of my house. Then runs off again... and later I see a corgi or something similar to it follow the husky. I am just thinking, "Where are all these animals coming from?! Do I just attract cats and dogs?!" Well it was alright because the dogs ended up chasing the cats.. figures.

These past couple of nights, I have seen the fat cat in front of my house sitting on the brick pillar. Tonight it saw my through the window and meowed at me through my front door... I blame my brother for feeding it cheese. Haha.

1 comment:

Jason said...'re silly.