Right after we landed, it was pouring like no other. Thanks to Justine's cousin, we had a ride from the airport to our hotel. It was late enough that we just stayed in that night and just slept since we had to get up early the next morning. Seriously though, it was like a storm out there.
The next day, Justine's cousin was nice enough to pick us up and take us to the Golden Gate Bridge. (Btw, Carol left us to visit her family in San Jose) After 10 minutes of being there, it started pouring! Luckily we got some good pictures in before leaving.. he took us around the city.. Lombard St! We actually drove down that in his huge truck on that rainy day. I was afraid we'd slip on those bricks... did I mention he drove a stick too? Went around North Beach and stopped at the Court Tower to check out the view. Still raining. By the time we got to Ghiradelli Square, it stopped raining! We walked down to Fisherman's Wharf for some lunch at In & Out. Yum! Went to some interesting stores, nice area down by the pier. Then we took a Cable Car to Union Square to do some shopping!! I lucked out with this awesome chiffon dress from Urban. Afterwards, we were pretty tired.. being around 3pm and waking up at 7:30am... we were struggling to stay awake. Especially Justine. Lawl, fell asleep while we were just sitting. Went to attempt to get dinner at the Ferry Building, but that was a little pricey so we hit up Chinatown! R&G Lounge my brother suggested. It was pretty decent. Angie discovered Justine's grandpa ;) Went back to the hotel after exploring Chinatown. Climbed some hills.. and we were dead after we got back. Went out to Sugar Cafe, good spot, Tiff. Ate some dessert and finally got my midori sour :) Called it a night and went to bed around 11:30pm ;)
Carol came back to us the next day and we went to Brenda's for breakfast, also recommended by my brother. The watermelon iced tea was delicious! Then we hit up Alcatraz. We were actually quite ahead of schedule so we had some time to go around Pier 39 and take some pictures. Alcatraz was definitely interesting! Weather held up for us and didn't rain all day. It was on and off on Sunday. Went around Fishermans Wharf again and ate fish and chips... err well. That was a terrible experience. Everywhere we went, there were pigeons and seagulls waiting to attack us for our food! They were everywhere on the pier.. swooping, pooping, you name it, they did it! Inhaled our food and ditched. Headed back to the hotel to chillax and get ready for dinner. Nob Hill Cafe. We waited literally foreverrrrr, aka an 45 minutes. 4 parties went in before us! We really should have split up, but it was too late and we already got a table by then. The food was delicious though. :) Ended the night with some gelato.
Swan Oyster Depot on our last day. Enough said.
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